Biked down to The Boardwalk NR close to the centre of Peterborough this lunchtime for a quick look. Always impressed by the number and variety of hoverflies at this site. Few sat still long enough for a novice like me to identify but
Leucozona lucorum I did recognise and was quite abundant. There was also a fairly abundant small parasitic wasp which was chasing flies around and laying eggs on/in them. A party of young Fox cubs played about near the walkway oblivious to me.
A good emergence of Azure Damselfies and also single male and female Banded Demoiselles. There were plenty of butterflies about and one dayflying moth:
Orange-tip, 5
Small Tortoiseshell, 5
Peacock, 1
Brimstone, 1
Green-veined White, 1
Large White, 1
Speckled Wood, 2
Holly Blue, 2
Common Carpet, 1
Leucozona lucorum
Azure Damselfly
Coenagrion puellaMale


Green Tortoise Beetle
Cassida viridis
Nikon Coolpix P4
1 comment:
this bug is so cool :)
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