Stayed Saturday night in Goes on the southernmost Zeeland peninsular with geese passing over the town in the night and morning. Later on Sunday a large flock of White-fronted Geese was by the A58 junction just SW of the town.
A trip to the polder north of Middelburg revealed large numbers of White-fronted and Barnacle Geese and brief views of a Ross' Goose. There were also a couple of Black Swans near here and this Spotted Redshank in one of the ditches.
Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus

Canon Powershot SX10
More geese were flying over other areas and there was a large flock at Spaarbekkens lake SW of Terneuzen. The Braakman reserve north of the road here had a male Hen Harrier flying about.
Still just in The Netherlands two White Storks were resting in a field on the southern edge of Sluis. Further large collections of geese were on the Belgian Polders and there was a flock of Common Scoter on the sea just off De Haan.