OK so I was really looking for Pied Flycatcher but the local insects are a stunning bunch and more than adequate compensation. Others present but not illustrated: Wall, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Large White, Brown Hawker, Migrant Hawker, Common Blue Damselfly.
Peacock (
Inachis io)

Brimstone (
Gonepteryx rhamni)

Painted Lady (
Vanessa cardui)

Common Blue (
Polyommatus icarus)

Brown Argus (
Aricia agestis)

Small Copper (
Lycaena phlaeas)

Ruddy Darter (
Sympetrum sanguineum)

Common Darter (
Sympetrum striolatum)

Nikon CP995.
Urrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh! Dirrrteeeee!
Hello. I enjoyed your photos very very much! what cam do you use? the idea is just great! probably i will start keeping a photo-blog similar to this one, once i'm free! but where do you know all these names from? are you professionally a biologist or a zoologist?
Just an enthusiastic amateur irina. I get help when I can't identify something or make a mistake.
Hi Brian,
My boyfriend and I have enjoyed a LONG visit to your blog and I am amazed at all the great photos! I wanted to leave comments on so many posts! We are also nature enthusiasts. I keep a blog on my fine art website about my hikes and sketching in the field, and my painting. I live in NY USA but will be spending lots more time in England. I'll email you more later and my link, I'd love to exchange links on our sites.
Hi Brian,
My boyfriend and I have enjoyed a LONG visit to your blog and I am amazed at all the great photos! I wanted to leave comments on so many posts! We are also nature enthusiasts. I keep a blog on my fine art website about my hikes and sketching in the field, and my painting. I live in NY USA but will be spending lots more time in England. I'll email you more later and my link, I'd love to exchange links on our sites.
Hi Brian,
My boyfriend and I have enjoyed a LONG visit to your blog and I am amazed at all the great photos! I wanted to leave comments on so many posts! We are also nature enthusiasts. I keep a blog on my fine art website about my hikes and sketching in the field, and my painting. I live in NY USA but will be spending lots more time in England. I'll email you more later and my link, I'd love to exchange links on our sites.
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