- twin, bold yellow stripes on the thorax;
- black stripe down the middle of the yellow 'face';
- yellow hind margin to tergites 3 and 4 (near abdomen tip);
- hind femur third to half pale and hind tibia half or more yellow;
Click on the pictures for larger images (about 100kb each).

Nikon CP995
Helophilus key
Could this be a male, as drawn in the key to the genus Helophilus in Stubbs and Falk? I would be interested to know as I have just identified a similar picture of my own, with the two eyes angled in relation to each other in their front half but nearly parallel to each other in their rear half, and a darker rear half to the frons, divided from the lighter front half.
How on earth do you get such clear sharp pictures?
best wishes,
David Carey
I agree this is a male for the reasons you give.
A camera with a good macro capability, a bit of patience and a lot of luck (a co-operative subject helps).
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